The ZIIP Guide to Menopausal Skin Concerns

The ZIIP Guide to Menopausal Skin Concerns

Learn how to treat the new and frustrating skin concerns that come with the gift of aging as we explore menopause skin care.

As we age, our bodies change and one of the significant changes that we go through is menopause. As we change both physically and mentally throughout this time, our skin also changes. 

Menopausal skin care is a whole new world to explore, and ZIIP Beauty is energized and ready to take on the challenge. 

What Menopausal Skin Changes Can I Expect?

Expectedly, as everything seems to, we can expect our skin to undergo a myriad of changes as we enter the menopause phase of our lives. 

Let’s explore the differences you may see in your skin…

1.Menopause and Dry Skin

As our bodies enter menopause, estrogen production slows rapidly. Estrogen production is typically responsible for stimulating the production of collagen and oils within the skin. 

As this slows, the impact that we often experience is our skin feeling drier than normal, due to the reduced oils. This can often lead to ‘menopause itching’ when our skin feels itchy and irritated in places. 

As our hormones change with menopause, this also affects our bodies abilities to retain and hold moisture, contributing to the dryness of the skin. 

Dry skin after menopause is something that can affect the whole body, not just facial skin. 

2. Sun Damage and Age Spots

If you’ve previously spent significant amounts of time in the sun during your youth, it is your menopausal skin that will truly reveal the effects of this. 

You will likely notice the development of age spots or areas of hyperpigmentation. 

This is also a period of your life where you may want to keep a close eye on any skin changes that may be indicative of skin cancer, as this becomes more prevalent in older age. 

3. Acne and Menopause

Whilst we commonly associate acne and pimples with puberty, and hope that we age out of them eventually, unfortunately, they can also make a reappearance into our lives during menopause. 

As our hormones shift, and our estrogen levels drop, our androgens levels may increase. This can trigger excess oil production, which when combined with dead skin cells sitting stagnantly, can lead to the development of acne as the pores become blocked. 

4. Menopausal Sagging Skin and Jowls

As expected with aging, another skin concern that we can also expect is probably the most common visual sign of aging- wrinkles and sagging skin. 

From the age of 25, collagen production begins to slow down. During menopause, our skin begins to rapidly lose collagen. 

Throughout the first 5 years of the menopause, women lose around 30% of their collagen, which then becomes a loss of an estimated 2% per year over the next 20 years. 

This is what leads to the swallowed effect of the face, particularly around the cheek area, leading to the development of jowls. 

Using the ZIIP HALO During Menopause

Microcurrent facials have been rising in popularity in recent years for the numerous benefits that they can bring to all skincare needs with the ZIIP HALO being one of the most revered devices out there. 

However, it’s an oft-neglected point how beneficial they can be for people undergoing menopause. 

The ZIIP HALO, a Microcurrent and Nanocurrent tool, sparks the production of collagen, allowing you to combat the loss of collagen experienced during menopause. This works to prevent the sallow, sagging appearance typically associated with the loss of collagen. When used regularly, the ZIIP HALO supercharges the skin  to retain a full, fresh and plumped appearance to the skin. 

Not only does the ZIIP contribute to collagen production, it is also beneficial for evening out skin tone. The Microcurrent waves seek out unevenness, neutralizing any discolouration you may have from sun damage. 

For those sufferers of menopausal acne, you can also try the ‘problem solver’ routine through the ZIIP Beauty app. This routine has been specifically designed to treat blemishes gently, targeting sensitive areas and helping to clear the blemish in record time.

Other Menopausal Skincare Tips and Tricks

As always, there are tips and tricks available that can help you with your post-menopausal skin care, and many of them are quite simple fixes. 

1. SPF and Shielding From the Sun

Utilizing UV Protection any time you may be exposed to the sun is key in not only protecting against and possibly preventing skin cancer, it’s also excellent for preventing existing wrinkles from becoming more prominent and from developing new wrinkles.

2. Incorporate a New Cleanser Into Your Routine

Bringing a gentle cleanser into your routine that contains salicylic acid can be instrumental in keeping your pores clear and preventing the development of acne. It’s important not to be too harsh with your skin as it may be more reactive throughout menopause, so care is key. If acne is persistent, consult a dermatologist prior to trying harsher methods.

3. Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise

We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to keep your skin moisturized and hydrated during this time. We’ve already explored why your skin may seem drier during this time, so it’s important to keep that in mind.

Moisturizing after bathing or showering, and then throughout the day where possible will keep your skin happier and more hydrated than ever during this phase of your life. Plus, it’s always a great excuse to buy yet another floral-scented hand cream. 

Ultimately, going through the menopause is a big change in your life, and it’s natural that your skin, along with many other things, will undergo some adjustments. Take each day one at a time, and try to manage these changes carefully and calmly, and you’ll have your new skin routine under control in no time.